Date Issued: 01/05/2024
Due: 02/02/2024 3:00 PM

 Full RFQ Materials
Appendix A
Appendix B
Attachment A

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that submissions will be received by the Finger Lakes Regional Land Bank Corporation (the “Land Bank”) to provide Development Services including Engineering/Architectural Services and Environmental Services. This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is a competitive process designed to serve the Land Bank’s best interests and to provide firms a fair opportunity for consideration of their services. The request is open to all qualified firms able to deliver the services specified in this RFQ. All qualifications will be treated as confidential, except as may be required under the Freedom of Information Law, and reviewed only by the Land Bank. Qualifications must be received at the Land Bank offices located at 1 DiPronio Drive, Waterloo, NY 13165, no later than 3:00pm on the date and time listed in the header of this RFQ.

Respondents who submit printed qualifications shall submit them in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “Land Bank - QUALIFICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES”. Email submissions are acceptable, but the Land Bank will not be responsible if the email is not received before the date and time indicated at the header of this RFQ. The Land Bank will also not be responsible for any issues associated with email (Ex: bounce backs, files that are too large, etc.) if the consultant or firm submits via email. It is the firm’s sole responsibility to confirm that qualifications have been submitted by the deadline.

1.      Background Information:

The Finger Lakes Regional Land Bank Corporation acquires, improves, and redistributes vacant, blighted, and tax abandoned properties to eliminate the harms and liabilities caused by such properties and return them to productive use, while being consistent with local municipalities’ redevelopment and comprehensive plans. The Land Bank is charged with streamlining and facilitating the processes by which vacant, abandoned, and underutilized properties can be returned to productive use. The Land Bank owns a variety of properties including both vacant and improved lots, the majority of the Land Bank’s existing inventory are vacant lots in Villages and Hamlets where demolition has previously taken place. The Land Bank is housed within and staffed by the Seneca County Department of Planning & Community Development.

The Land Bank seeks services from New York State licensed and experienced engineering and architectural firms as well as environmental services firms (the "team" or “consultants”) for the provision of professional services, to include the evaluation of vacant and abandoned buildings; cost estimates for the stabilization or demolition of vacant and abandoned properties. The team will also work in the preparation of construction drawings, specifications, plans, cost/price estimates, bid documents, advertisements; bid negotiation; construction administration; and such other related needs as FLRLBC may define in its redevelopment of formerly tax foreclosed or abandoned properties (the "Properties") and/or construction of new housing units. Environmental services in conjunction with these activities may include Environmental Site Assessments, regulated building material surveys, asbestos air monitoring, and preparing required environmental review documents for submission to NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) or other granting agencies as necessary.

The Land Bank is particularly interested in exploring cost saving methods of new construction beyond stick built such as manufactured housing, modular housing, utilization of structural insulated panels, etc. The Land Bank, recognizing the high cost of construction, seeks to lower overall construction costs as much as practically possible.

The Land Bank seeks to streamline the development of its properties through this RFQ by onboarding a group of professionals or firms with individual specializations to form a comprehensive development team. The team of consultants will enable the Land Bank to consistently initiate projects in partnership with its various organizations such as Habitat for Humanity of Seneca County, Seneca Housing Inc., Finger Lakes Area Counseling and Referral Agency (FLACRA), and Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services.


2.      Minimum Qualifications For Development Services:

a.      NYS Licensed Structural Engineer with no less than 5 years experience as a licensed professional.

b.      NYS Licensed Architect with no less than 5 years experience as a licensed professional.

c.       Environmental Firms should have the necessary qualifications to conduct Environmental Site Assessments, Asbestos Surveys and Air monitoring, Lead Surveys, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews, etc.

d.      NYS Licensed Surveyor with no less than five years experience as a licensed professional.

e.      Demonstrate prior experience in the services requested by this RFQ in accordance with applicable codes, standards, rules, and regulations.

f.        The contractors and sub-contractors may not have any recent history of the following:

o   Local, State or Federal tax arrears

o   Labor Violations

o   Arson, fraud, bribery, or grand larceny conviction or pending case

o   A record of substantial building code violations or litigations on property in Seneca County.

o   Formal debarment or suspension from entering into contracts with any governmental agency.

g.      The consultants or team must identify at least one single point of contact to the Land Bank.

h.      The Land Bank may make such inquiries it deems necessary to determine the ability of each respondent to perform services contemplated by this RFQ. Respondent shall promptly furnish all information and data for this purpose as may be subsequently requested by the Land Bank.

3.      Description of General Development Services:

1.      Vacant and Abandoned Building Evaluations

a.      The consulting team will conduct building evaluations for the purpose of determining if the structure is safe to abate per industrial code rule 56. This report requires at a minimum (1) site visit and the completion of a letter and basic photographic documentation for submittal to various government and oversight agencies, including DOL. Expected completion time is 10 Business days or less from the site visit.

b.      Building evaluations and development of a stabilization plan for emergency and proactive stabilization projects. Included in these reports should be at least one (1) site visit, basic evaluation on the existing conditions and a written recommendation of work to complete a stabilization.

2.      Demolition Administration

a.      Demolition Document Development and Bidding. The consulting team will prepare demolition documents and cost estimates as necessary for competitive bidding of demolition projects. The firm will also assist in project management of demolitions by providing oversight and administration of demolition contractors including permitting and necessary inspections for payment authorizations etc. The team will also assist in the coordination of asbestos air surveying and air monitoring as required for demolition projects.

3.      Stabilization and/or Rehabilitation of Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

a.      The consulting team, in coordination with FLRLBC and its partners will prepare schematics, drawings, site plans, RBM surveys, and general scopes of work for the rehabilitation of vacant and abandoned properties. The FLRLBC works with various community partners including Seneca County Habitat for Humanity, Seneca Housing Inc. Finger Lakes Area Counseling and Referral Agency (FLACRA), and Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (INHS). The consulting team shall assist the Land Bank in coordinating activities and scopes of work under co-development agreements for the successful execution of the project.  

4.      New Infill Construction of Housing

a.      The consulting team, in coordination with the FLRLBC and its partners will prepare site plans, drawings, schematics, and general scopes of work for the creation of new infill housing construction on Land Bank properties throughout Seneca County. The consulting team will conduct any necessary environmental reviews as required by local municipalities or NYS funding agencies and prepare applications for any required permits. The team will also be charged with the design of infill housing in character with individual neighborhoods. The team will explore the design of character appropriate infill utilizing methods of modular, manufactured, structural insulated panels, or any other type of construction to save overall costs. The team will also be expected to design projects per any standards required by HCR or other state funding as applicable.

b.      The team will also provide general construction administration including assistance with the bidding process for contractors and providing construction oversight for quality of workmanship over the course of projects. The team will also assist in the processing of payment applications, change orders, and other elements of construction administration.

5.      Grant Administration

a.      The team shall review and incorporate into projects all applicable building standards and other guidelines as required by funding agencies and other programs including but not limited to NYS Homes and Community Renewal, Historic Tax Credits, Empire State Development, Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative. The Land Bank seeks to develop projects with partner agencies that receive funding from various programs.


4.      Equal Employment Opportunities for Minority Group Members and Women. The Land Bank does not discriminate against any employee, contractor or applicant for employment or respondent to this RFQ because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status, or any other protected class under the Human Rights Law, and the Land Bank will continue its existing programs of affirmative action, to ensure that minority group members and women are afforded equal  employment  opportunities without discrimination in accordance with Executive Law 15-A:1.


RFQ respondents should review Appendix A of this RFQ which contains language which will be required to be contained in a contract with the Land Bank as required by Executive Law 15-A and which are hereby made a part of this RFQ.


The Land Bank may require RFQ respondents who are hired by the Land Bank to provide information regarding their non-discrimination policy. See Appendix A.


5.      Participation By Minority Group Members and Women with Respect to State (a.k.a. Land Bank) Contracts. It is the policy of the Land Bank that Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (MBE) and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE) are afforded the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts with the Land Bank in accordance with Executive Law 15-A and the Land Bank’s Policy on Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises/Equal Employment Opportunity (Land Bank Resolution 22-24). M/WBE are encouraged to submit materials for this RFQ and, if applicable, provide their M/WBE certification or status of a pending certification.


6.      Required Standard Terms of Contracts with the Land Bank

Appendix A of this RFQ contains contractual provisions which will be required in any agreement made between the Land Bank and a respondent to this RFQ and which are hereby expressly made part of this RFQ. This list is not exclusive and other provisions may be required. Respondents who cannot agree to the following terms should not submit a response to this RFQ.


7.      Miscellaneous Requirements

a.      The Land Bank will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any firm in preparing or submitting a response to this RFQ. All qualifications shall provide a straightforward, concise delineation of the firm’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content.

b.      The contents of the qualifications submitted by the successful firm and this RFP may become part of the contract for these services. The successful firm will be expected to execute said contract with the Land Bank.

c.       The Land Bank reserves the right to reject any and all qualifications received or to negotiate separately in any manner necessary to serve the best interests of the Land Bank.

d.      The selected firm(s) is prohibited from assigning, transferring, conveying, subletting or otherwise disposing of any agreement or its rights, title, or interest therein or its power to execute such agreement to any other person, company or corporation without the prior written consent of the Land Bank.

e.      Qualifications submitted shall be valid for a minimum of sixty (60) days from the date of opening.

8.      Response Requirements

a.      The Respondents should address the following information for each firm or team member: (a) primary contact, business address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, and Federal ID number for contractor; (b) a brief description of the firm's history and experience in providing services covered by this RFQ; and (c) describe other projects involving similar works (including name of clients served, and length of time providing such services).

b.      Proposer shall provide a description and past experience of their firm. Contractor shall also provide references including governmental agencies (if applicable) where similar work has been performed over the past five years.

c.       Responses shall include a resume describing the qualifications and background of the primary contact person and other key staff who will be assigned to projects covered by this RFQ. Please note that the individuals listed will be expected to be available should the Corporation request to conduct interviews. Such resumes should describe relevant training and experience as it relates to the Scope of Services.

d.      Provide a list of three to five relevant client references, including a contact person's name, address and phone number.

e.      Conflict of Interest(s): This section should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that the firm may have in performing these services for the Land Bank.

f.        Please include a proposed fee structure and general cost estimates for the activities described in Section 3, General Development Services.

g.      All respondents must sign the Affirmation attached to this RFQ as Appendix B which is hereby expressly made part of this RFQ and submit with their materials. If submitting a joint bid, each entity or person who is part of the group submitting must sign the Affirmation.

9.      Submission

Qualifications must be received by the Finger Lakes Regional Land Bank Office by the date and time listed on the header of this RFQ.

The proposal shall be contained in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “FLRLBC – Development Services.” Email submissions are acceptable but the Land Bank will not be responsible if the email is not received before the date and time indicated below. The Land Bank will also not be responsible for any issues associated with email (Ex: bounce backs, files that are too large, etc.) if the respondent submits via email.

Mailing Address:

Finger Lakes Regional Land Bank Corporation
Attn: Joe McGrath
1 DiPronio Drive
Waterloo, NY 13165

Email Addresses:


Email submissions must include both addresses.

All inquiries regarding this RFQ please contact via email AND Inquiries by phone may be made by calling 315-539-1730.

RFP for Strategic Plan Development & Grant Writing Support





The Finger Lakes Regional Land Bank Corporation (FLRLBC) Board of Directors seeks to identify a qualified consultant or team of consultants to guide and execute a sustainability planning process to produce a FLRLBC Strategic Plan that identifies methods of creating sustainable revenue stemming from single and multi-family housing development projects on vacant, abandoned, and distressed properties acquired by the FLRLBC primarily after tax foreclosure. The collection of funding and development models can be thought of as a “menu” where the FLRLBC can choose an option that best fits the goals of the corporation considering a given situation or property.  The consultant will also assist the FLRLBC in producing applications and applying for identified grant resources for housing projects in 2023. The FLRLBC Strategic Plan and the following grant writing support is meant to provide a foundation for generating consistent revenue for the funding of operations and administration of the corporation.

FLRLBC seeks a consultant or team of consultants that demonstrates strong understanding in nonprofit structure and operations, proven experience with nonprofit strategic planning, and demonstrated ability and experience in drafting grant applications in New York State for various housing construction and rehabilitation programs. Knowledge and experience with NYS Land Banks is a plus.


Corporation Overview:

FLRLBC is a New York State Land Bank, a 501 (C) (3) Not-for-Profit Corporation and Local Public Authority established in 2015. The Corporation is staffed and functions from the Seneca County Department of Planning & Community Development under a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Seneca County.

The Corporation is County-wide and works in partnership with Seneca County’s 10 towns and four incorporated villages.


The project is expected to include the design and execution of a strategic planning process that meets the criteria outlined in this RFP including project management, facilitation, budget for implementation, and support structure for plan implementation. It is expected that the Strategic Plan portion of the work will be completed by the end of April 2023 and that grant writing support will be provided to the 2023 NYS Consolidated Funding deadline or other grant deadlines as applicable.

For the Strategic Plan, the selected consultant(s) will provide the following services:


•             Work with the FLRLBC CEO/President and Board Members to determine areas of focus for the strategic planning process, which will include a focus on FLRLBC programs/activities, organizational development, and/or board development.

•             Work with the FLRLBC CEO/President and Board Members to identify and create multiple models of single and multifamily housing development projects that capitalize on the Land Bank’s unique ability to acquire properties after tax foreclosure at nominal cost.

•             Identify and create development models that have a range of administrative intensity and cost.

o             The Strategic Plan will determine by estimation the revenue potential for each model along with an estimate of administrative burdens to provide a framework for a financially sustainable operation for Staff and Board Members to consider.

•             Development models will often depend on partnering with other organizations and agencies for execution. A level of communication and coordination with Seneca County Habitat for Humanity, Seneca Housing Inc., and other identified partners is expected as part of this project in both the Strategic Planning phase and grant application phase.

•             Review FLRLBC’s current acquisition and disposition policies. Changes in policies may be necessary to facilitate or streamline successful development projects in accordance with the “menu options” developed in the strategic plan.

•             Formulate and provide recommendations for program delivery and administration.


For the Grant Application Support, the selected consultant(s) will provide the following services:


•             Drafting and submitting up to three applications to the NYS CFA in 2023 or other identified resource. Grant opportunities will be identified in the Strategic Plan.

•             Coordinate and communicate with development partners in submission of these grant applications.

•             The FLRLBC currently has four (4) vacant lots in its inventory located in Villages and Hamlets in South Seneca County which have been earmarked for new construction of affordable single or multi-family housing. The grant writing portion of the work will include these four properties. 

•             The FLRLBC will be acquiring a slate of vacant, abandoned, and distressed properties in Spring 2023 from Seneca County which should also be included in any grant application as necessary. Former FLRLBC held properties now in ownership of partner organizations may also be included in development applications when appropriate.

•             Assist with the drafting of any Request for Proposals or Requests for Qualifications to identify or cultivate new development partners.



The total project budget is $30,000 with no more than $10,000 dedicated to the Strategic Plan. The remainder of the budget should be dedicated to grant writing and application support.



The proposed project timeline is two months for the Strategic Plan beginning March, 2023 with a completed report delivered in May 2023. The grant application support will run concurrently and conclude with the identified submissions in 2023.

Proposal Requirements:

Please submit a proposal no longer than five (5) pages in length. Please include resumes of key staff to be working on each portion of the project as well as up to four references that can speak to experience for both the production of the report and ongoing grant writing support. Resumes and references are not included in the five page limit.

Guidelines for Proposal Content:

Please provide a brief proposal outlining your approach and concept for the project, including your use of the funds budgeted for this project and how you would use FLRLBC Staff and engage our Board of Directors in the planning process.


The proposal statement of work should be presented in a conceptual, high-level format, with the understanding that the actual scope of work will be refined after consultant selection.


Specific Proposal Contents:

•             Name of firm

•             Name and contact information for the consultant(s)

•             Description of experience and qualifications

•             Indication of availability during project period

•             Statement of work: brief response on approach to the project scope

•             Cost proposal, See Appendix A

•             A working schedule for the process

•             Five (5) page limit

•             At least four references (does not count toward five-page proposal limit)

•             Resumes of key staff (does not count toward five-page proposal limit)


Submission Requirements

Proposals must be received by mailed sealed bid, March 22nd, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Submit by sealed bid including two hard copies and a thumb drive containing the materials to:

Joseph McGrath
1 DiPronio Drive
Waterloo, NY 13165

Valuable Links


Contact Information

Joseph (Joe) McGrath
CEO/President, Finger Lakes Regional Land Bank Corp.
Deputy Director, Seneca County Department of Planning
1 DiPronio Drive, Waterloo, NY 13165
(315) 539-1667

FLRLBC Special Meeting - Tuesday, July 26th, 2022 at 4 PM

FLRLBC - Special Meeting - Tuesday, July 26th, 2022 at 4 PM
Tue, Jul 26, 2022 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM (EDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311

Access Code: 597-394-821

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Meeting Location:
Heroes Conference Room
3rd Floor
1 Dipronio Drive
Waterloo, NY 13165

Meeting Materials:
Resolution 22-21 Draft

FLRLBC Regular Meeting - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 4 PM

FLRLBC Regular Meeting - Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Tue, Jun 28, 2022 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311

Access Code: 988-187-629

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Meeting Location:
Heroes Conference Room
3rd Floor
1 Dipronio Drive
Waterloo, NY 13165

Meeting Materials:
Previous Meeting Minutes
22-19 Authorizing the Side-lot Sale of 2261 E. Seneca Street, Lodi
22-20 Authorize the Listing of 101 Virginia Street, Waterloo with Century 21 Davoli Real Estate Seneca Falls
May 2022 Financial Reports

FLRLBC - Audit & Governance Committee Meetings - March 18, 2022 at 10 AM

FLRLBC - Audit & Governance Committee Meetings
Fri, Mar 18, 2022 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212

Access Code: 508-481-341
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Meeting Location:
Planning Conference Room
1st Floor
1 Dipronio Drive
Waterloo, NY 13165

Meeting Materials:
2021 Finger Lakes Land Bank FS Draft - 3.8.22
FLRLBC Mission Statement
FLRLBC Real Property Acquisition Policy
FLRLBC Disposition Policy
Purchasing Policy FLRLBC

FLRLBC - Special Meeting - March 1, 2022 at 4:00 PM

FLRLBC - Special Meeting - March 1, 2022
Tue, Mar 1, 2022 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM (EST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 562-881-077

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Meeting Location:
Heroes Conference Room
3rd Floor
1 Dipronio Drive
Waterloo, NY 13165

Special Meeting Agenda:

0. Start the Teleconference Recording

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Resolutions:

 22-14 Accept Proposal for Demolition of 5 Properties

4. CEO/Presidents Update & Discussion Items

5. Consideration of Executive Session

6. Adjourn

RFP for 5 Residential Demolitions 2022





2261 East Seneca Street, Lodi, NY
2271 East Seneca Street, Lodi, NY
8388 Knight Street, Interlaken, NY
1372 Prospect Street, Ovid, NY
2125 West Seneca Street, Ovid, NY

These structures are slated for demolition and have been determined to be structurally unsound in accordance with 12 NYCRR Part 56-5.1(b). As such, the requirements of 12 NYCRR Part 56-11.5 shall apply and the project shall be bid accordingly.

BID DUE 02/09/2022 at 3:00 PM


Demolitions are to occur prior to March 31st, 2022. Each demolition shall be undertaken concurrently or on consecutive business days.

Scope of Work:

In response to this bid solicitation, please bid a price that covers the demolition of the addresses listed herein, for all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary and required to complete the work of outlined below.

·         Demolition projects must be undertaken consecutively or concurrently with one another.

·         Demolition projects must be completed before the end of March 31st, 2022.

·         The Contractor will provide the Land Bank with at least forty-eight (48) hours’ notice prior to the commencing the work at each property.

·         The contractor shall obtain, at its sole cost and expense, all permits, authorizations, approvals, and licenses necessary for the planning, performance, and completion of the Work in accordance with the requirements of the respective municipal agencies and other authorities having jurisdiction.

·         The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, county, city, town and other applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations and all orders and rules of any duly constituted authorities affecting the Property or bearing on the performance of the work. This includes, but is not limited to 12 NYCRR Part 56-11.5 and all applicable Stormwater regulations. 

·         The Contractor will contact Dig Safely NY at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to beginning any excavation at the Property.

·         The Contractor will confirm that all utilities are disconnected before commencing any Work. Disconnections were ordered through NYSEG on 1/14/2021 and each property was issued job numbers.

·         The Contractor will demolish all buildings, structures, and driveways on, in, or upon the Property.

·         The Contractor will provide the Land Bank with all bills of lading and dump tickets, for all hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

·         The Contractor will completely remove all the construction materials and any contents of the demolished structures from the Property. The Contractor will arrange for transportation of the construction materials and any contents of the demolished structures to lawful disposal, storage, or recycling locations, as necessary.

·         The Contractor will fill the foundation pit and appropriate materials. The foundation pit shall not be filled with debris. Any proposed fill must be approved in advance by the Land Bank’s Engineer. Fill cannot include organic materials that will decompose and settle. Fill cannot include construction debris other than concrete or stone.

·         Foundation walls must be removed to three feet below grade. The Contractor must ensure that basement floors are broken up to allow for drainage.

·         The Contractor must contact the Land Bank’s Engineer for inspection before filling the foundation pit.

·         The remaining foundation pit shall be filled with material not larger than 12 cubic inches up to two feet below grade. Clean fill dirt shall be placed above and any rocks contained can be no longer than four cubic inches.

·         The Contractor will finish grading the land on the Property so that there is no standing water on the property or adverse drainage impacts to adjacent property. The Contractor will add sufficient topsoil and will ensure that the property is free from rocks and other items that would prevent grass growth. The Contractor must ensure that there is a minimum of 4” of clean, screened topsoil free of any stones large enough to impede grass growth, or that might damage or be thrown by a lawnmower covering the whole site.

·         The Contractor must contact the Land Bank for inspection before proceeding with hydroseeding.

·         The Contractor will apply hydroseeding in a mix appropriate for local condition that would grow grass and prevent erosion. Hydroseeding shall be applied at a minimum rate of 5 pounds per 100 square feet. The driveway must be removed of all blacktop and gravel to support grass growth.

·         Grading/seeding must be completed within 30 days of pulling the demolition permit unless impossible due to inclement weather.

·         The Contractor will exercise caution so as to not damage any pedestrian sidewalk if present. If a sidewalk is damaged, the Contractor must repair or replace the damaged portion in a timely manner and prior to the Completion Date. The Contractor will provide before and after time/date stamped photos of sidewalk and property.

·         The Contractor must contact the Land Bank’s Engineer for a Final Inspection.


Full RFP Document
Full RFP Materials Including Phase I ESAs